Hot News :: Web Security and Defacement

(If you are still using the conventional Web servers, such as Apache, IIS etc, you maybe the next victim...)

[2010.07.16] 病毒木马盯上网页游戏 白领上班偷菜易中招。   7月14日互联网上共有113,785个网页带有木马活动
[2010.07.09] 黑客借“世界杯木马”牟利病毒、挂马网站数量上升
[2010.07.08] 黑客入侵教育网站篡改证书号码数据库
[2010.07.05] 黑客为提高搜索引擎排名 篡改网页插入连接
[2010.06.28] 透过Web入侵后台数据库:济南黑客入侵教育网站伪造学历证书 改考试数据
[2010.06.09] 中国国务院新闻办:去年中国被黑网站达4.2万个
[2010.06.05]调查称30%搜索结果页面被植入病毒 最高达90%
[2010.05.24] 国家互联网应急中心:七天近百政府网站被黑政务信息安全堪忧
[2010.05.19] 上周中国81个政府网站被黑4省部级仍未恢复
[2010.05.07] 政府网站被挂“黑链” 暗藏色情“牛皮癣”
[2010.04.29] 清华大学体育部、复旦大学等网站被挂马
[2010.04.20] 疑贸易保护主义原因阿里巴巴旗下网站遭攻击
[2010.04.19] 中国移动、收集视频中心等网站遭IE漏洞挂马
[2010.03.27] 近千家房地产网站遭黑客挂马攻击 发泄不满情绪
[2010.03.04] 央视官方网站被黑两小时
[2010.02.02] 黑客借“春运”加速传毒 近& [2010.01.12] 百度二度被黑遭链接黄网 公司称原因正在调查中
[2010.01.10] 工信部:政府网站1月4日到10日,被篡改178个
[2010.01.02] 公安部鉴定中心网站被篡改

[2009.12.22] 人民网继通缉犯的照片被篡改成毛主席照片的事件之后,又再次被篡改
[2009.07.09] 美国政府机构电脑系统遭黑客攻击 韩国网站受黑客袭击范围进一步扩大   
[2009.07.06] 奇虎网站被黑客用最新微软漏洞挂马   
[2009.07.05] 微软微软曝出MPEG-2视频0day漏洞大规模网络攻击已爆发   
[2009.06.09] 高考临近北大、西安交大等11所高校网站被挂马   
[2009.05.27] 深圳婚介网遭挂马用户隐私信息面临集体被盗风险   
[2009.05.14] Google摩洛哥分站遭黑客入侵   
[2009.05.12] 中国电气网遭遇黑客入侵挂马,  访问该网站的用户系统可能被远程控制...
[2009.05.06] 方正,华军等大型IT网站被挂马, 网民易中灰鸽子   
[2009.05.05]  黑客入侵建设银行网站服务器,盗个人存款6.7万元, 银行担全责
[2009.04.30] 微软MSN中国、易趣、大旗被挂马 用户浏览后感染机器狗病毒   
[2009.04.29] “北大青鸟”被黑 黑客钓鱼挂马两不误    
[2009.04.28]  太平洋手机网, 中国安全信息平台被挂马
[2009.04.23] 微软MSN新西兰网站被黑 北京地铁信息网被挂马     辽宁电信网站首页被持续“挂马”   
[2009.04.22] 银行财税网站遭“挂马” 黑客作案玩“躲猫猫”。一天截获最新“挂马”网址17998
[2009.04.20] 挂马网站成主要染毒渠道, 2009.年第一季度有 24202个大型网站被植入木马
[2009.04.17] 十大高校遭遇挂马 校园网成挂马重灾区,截获国内挂马网站2554个
[2009.04.14] “刺客”玩“自杀” 狂借政府网站传播木马,数十家政府网站服务器被挂马
[2009.04.01] 人民法院遭遇挂马 校园网站沦为黑客毒窝 谷歌图片亦遭利用,截获国内挂马网站1619个
[2009.02.25] 报告:2008年里,超过500,000 网站被新型的SQL Injection攻破
[02.25.2009] Report: More Than 500,000 Websites Hit By New Form Of SQL Injection In '08
[02.14.2009] Google got a valentine's present from hacker: a defacement ?
[02.09.2009] Kaspersky Web Site Hacked With SQL Injection, Kaspersky is one of the leading companies in the security and antivirus market.
[01.13.2009] The Top 10 Internet Registrars Hosting Spammers, Illicit Sites
[01.13.2009] Pro-Israeli Site Recruiting Voluntary Bot Militia To Attack Hamas Websites
[01.05.2009] Hackers hijack Obama's, Britney's accounts on Twitter Site

[12.31.2008] 300+ Israeli Websites over the past few days have been defaced with anti-Israeli and anti-U.S. messages after Israel's bombing of Gaza.
[12.30.2008] Researchers hack VeriSign's SSL scheme for securing Web sites
[12.01.2008] CBS Web site bitten by iFrame hack. It served remote malware to visitors
[11.07.2008] Thousands hit in broad Web hack. Malicious links were placed on over 10,000 servers.
[10.03.2008] Over 200,000 Web masters have not known their Web site has been controlled by hackers. The sites are such as Fortune 500 firms, weapons manufacturers, governments, including U.S. Postal Service, etc.
[09.18.2008] Hacked Texas National Guard site serves up malware
[09.15.2008] BusinessWeek site attacked, turned into malware playground
[09.12.2008] Hackers hit Large Hadron Collider Web site
[08.22.2008] Olympic champion Phelps' website defaced in Turkish hack
[08.13.2008] Olympics news sites hit with attacks.
[08.11.2008] Cyberattacks knock out Georgia's Internet presence. Some Georgian government and commercial sites are unavailable.
[07.30.2008] Microsoft Web sites got dafaced again!
[07.21.2008] Georgia president's Web site falls under DDOS attack
[07.09.2008] Internet flaw could let hackers take over the Web
[07.02.2008] Sony PlayStation Site Hacked With 'Scareware'
[06.27.2008] Hackers hijack critical Internet organization sites
[06.08.2008] Fraudsters hack into Home Office website
[04.23.2008] Infected Web Site Numbers Soaring, A new Infected site appearing once every 5 seconds...
[04.23.2008]  U.N. and UK Government Site Victim Of Global Malware Attack
[04.22.2008] Obama Website Hacked: Users Redirected To Clinton Campaign
[03.30.2008] Hackers expand massive IFrame attack to prime sites: including USA Today, ABC News, Target and Wal-Mart...
[03.13.2008] Even Web site of a large Anti-Viruses vendor of Trend Micro was ifected and distribute Viruses! CA is also!

[11.08.2007] MySpace Hacked, Exploits Target Alicia Keys' Page And Others
[09.21.2007] Exploiting Web 2.0: The Barbarians Inside the Firewall, Gartner predicts that by the end of 2007, 75 percent of enterprises will be infected...
[08.12.2007] Hackers protest US, Israeli actions on UN website
[06.27.2007] Microsoft Defaced, again!   [05.03.2007] Bill Gates Defaced!
[06.22.2007] 4000 compromised sites deliver the malicious code, Porn sites serve up Mpack attacks
[06.21.2007] New web threats gain momentum, 10,000 new web pages are infected every day
[02.17.2007] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's website attacked!
[02.12.2007] 'Fortress' security is medieval. Bill Gates derided the idea about perimeter defense..

[10.28.2006] Google was used to hide and spread viruses and malicous code!
[07.28.2006] Cyberwar: huge websites has been attacked as a protest against the invasion of Lebanon by Israel....
[05.18.2006] Biggest defacements incident: over 21,000 in May,17, 17,000 in May 18, and then....
[04.06.2006] Over 300 Web sites were defaced around the world within 5 days.  Taiwan takes  70% ...
[01.31.2006] AMD Website was hacked and be used to infect visitor's PC with the malicious code....
[01.03.2006] Many Websites have been hacked and comprised to deliver the WMF attack to PC....

